I am currently using version 6 and version 4.5. Very easy to add lyrics to the presentation, integrated nicely with other products most churches probably use anyways.

I've learned most of the tricks, bugs and shortcuts to the older 4.5 version, but I haven't really tried version 6 a ton because I can't get it to do what I want all the time. I've been using MediaShout weekly since 2009. If you have the time, feel free to check in with our team to see if maybe we have an answer for you at this point. That way users won't have to update the whole thing, but just install new plugins that are of interest to them! Regarding the glitch or issue- I'm looking all over but can't find any details. One cool difference though is with the new MediaShout 7, we are going to be able to simply release new PLUGINS instead of updates to the entire program, once the framework is satisfactory. But we will continue rolling out new features for Version 7. Now that MediaShout 7 is out, the updates will be few for MediaShout 6- only on an as needed basis. Users can run on the one they have if they want but we do always encourage you to move up to the newer builds when it's convenient, to take advantage of all the improvements. Hey Keith! Thanks for the positive review and insight! You're right those builds are updates for the program where we release improvements, new features, etc. Tech support is available and developers will work ASAP on any reported issue. V7 has nothing in it that was repackaged from the past. As for stability, we've had a few hurdles, but it's been an impressively smooth new release-much more stable than previous versions right off the bat, and issues we've had have been with very small groups and specific systems. With that said, there are things about the heart of MediaShout that we want to stay in the workflow.we're always open to feedback on those. Tech support has had less "how do I" questions than ever because things seem to make more sense. We broke out of the box of limitations on a lot of things. But the basics are where the majority of users do think things are easier and quicker. In streamlining & rebuilding MediaShout in Version 7, a lot was simplified, and we're still releasing some of the more advanced features over the next several months.